We asked our attendees... What was your favorite part of CONNECT?

Seeing all my friends from past years and making new ones.

Sessions with subjects that matter to me.

It is such a great event.  There is not just one thing to love.

Learning more about how to best utilize different areas of P21 and opportunities to network with other users and hear their pains and resolutions.

Meeting up with other companies and getting updates of their operations, successes/failures, new things they are doing. 

Networking, always networking.

Meeting other people and learning from them. As a new user, it was beneficial to resolve some of our challenges or at least get a different perspective on potential fixes.

The information that I learned while there and how helpful everyone was to each other with sharing their knowledge

For me, the best part is always the sessions. There's always some new little nugget of knowledge to bring home, or something is said/shown that triggers a good idea for me to bring back and implement.  

Learning and understanding P21 more while learning from my peers with same issues. I was able to bring back new information that will be applied in the future.

I think the willingness of all attendees to share that they don't know everything and are looking for feedback.  That was great as people connected easily based on needs to resolve current problems others have resolved as well.

Discovering things about P21 that I didn't know! I was able to use something I had just learned for a work issue! Great timing! I am looking forward to sharing with my direct reports the knowledge that I picked up at CONNECT 2023!

Connecting with other users, finding the different ways everyone handles some of the issues we come across.

Talking to other P21 users about their experiences.

The ability to ask questions and share information with peer companies.

The genuine will everyone had to help someone use this system better and share.

All of the Aha! moments.

The friendliness of the other members in sharing tips and tricks to help everyone's P21 experience be the best it can be. I hope I helped some others out in their endeavors as well.

Picking up information that will save myself and my team hours of work every month.  We all need to be more efficient and the conference has already helped us make several changes for the better.